robert berry Apps

Relational Systems 1.8
robert berry
This is the Relational Systems Androidapplication which allows you to monitor your Postgresql clusterfrom an Android device.The application will deliver health alerts tailored for keyPostgresql status conditions. All alerts come with a free "PanicSurvival Tip" offering at least one course of action to pursue toresolve the issue in the short term.Of course, if it's really bad, the panic tip may be to simplymove to a remote region in central asia and never interact with theinternet or your boss again.
The Drift - Street Art 1.19
robert berry
Share and discover street art.Snap photos of street art and they will be added to a publiclyavailable map helping others locate street art.Walk around and reference the interactive map to find street art inyour area.Inspired by the Situationist concept of a dérive, The Drift enablesthe casual discovery of local street art.In psychogeography, a dérive (drift) is an unplanned journeythrough a landscape, usually urban, on which the subtle aestheticcontours of the surrounding architecture and geographysubconsciously direct the travellers, with the ultimate goal ofencountering an entirely new and authentic experience.